Monday 29 May 2017

Knitting the REVERSE GARTER STITCH: How to knit the reverse stitch

The REVERSE GARTER STITCH is the easiest when knitting. Here you will learn step by step how to make the reverse stitch:

Useful links:

Video tutorial with step by step instructions:

Video tutorial on how to cast on:

Video tutorial on how to double cast on by using double yarn:

Step by step instructions:

How to take the needles:

Left Hand:

Right hand:

How to work the stitch:

Photo 1 

Insert the needle of the right hand into the first stitch free of the needle of the left hand ( see photo 1)

Photo 2

Yarn over the left needle  ( see photo 2)

Photo 3 

and pass the stitch through the loop, pass it to the right needle (see photo 3)

Continue the same way till is necessary

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